
We arrived home late yesterday afternoon. The 10 hour flight wasn’t bad at all, the plane wasn’t full so the four us of were able to spread out and have a set between each of us. And, my favorite part. . . the movies. On the way to Paris we all had the little built in screens in front of us but out of the 5 movies available, the one I wanted to watch just wasn’t showing. Either that or I read the program wrong (which I don’t think was the case since my husband had planned to watch the same movie and he couldn’t view it either). Well, on the way back we were on a Boeing 777 and we had 250 movies available. The screens were “touch screen” and we could choose from 50 comedies, 35 new releases, thrillers, etc. And, the best part, we could watch our choice whenever we wanted to and even pause the movie. I was impressed with that!

It’s nice to be home but I am overwhelmed by all I have to do. And today I’ve done absolutely nothing but 2 loads of laundry. I’m still tired. I had planned to get a lot done around the house this summer but it turns out I didn’t even make the list and here the summer is about over. And our living room is full of paintings and other stuff from the shop, which I cleared out from the shop 2 days before we left. That post was titled “What a mess” and it still is.

My camera has 515 photos on it, which I need to download onto my computer. That would be the first step. I don’t know when I’ll get to paint. School starts for the kids on Wednesday, so I’ll aim for doing a little painting on Wednesday. I’ll just ignore everything else that needs to be done. Surely I can do a little painting . . .

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