Distant Shoreline

I was going to call this either “Distant Shoreline” or “Quiet Morning”. Earlier this week I went over to the Arboretum and took pictures of the pond over there, it was an overcast still morning, and that’s what I had in mind when I painted this.

In one of my earlier posts I wrote that I’m experimenting, well the experimenting continues with this painting. I said I still wanted my paintings to be about “something” but I think I’m pushing the limits of that on this one, and that’s okay too. I like the feeling of this painting. It’s 24″x24″. I’m not painting too large right now since I don’t really know what I’m doing.

I’m also not sure if I want to go in this particular direction with my paintings but instead of driving myself crazy and trying to make that decision today, like I normally would, I’ve decided that I really don’t have enough data to make that decision. I need to paint another 10 or 20 of these abstracted paintings and then decide if it’s what I want to do.

6 thoughts on “Distant Shoreline”

  1. This is a very strong abstract. I think you are wise in giving yourself lots of time to decide what you want to do. From here, it looks like you can paint representationally or abstractly with confidence!

  2. Maybe you don’t have to decide at all…when I moved into representation from my my history of non-representational encaustics, it opened up a new world of wonderful challenges, which, incidentally have only help the non-representational pieces!
    Lovely, keep going!!

  3. I am quite captivated by this lovely painting Joan and have been back to see it several times. It is just very pleasing and I hope you continue to explore your work in this way. What is important is that you started with a more “realistic” image or view and the painting developed from that. I also like your barns, simple and calm.

  4. I love your recent work and the I think the direction is strong. The best advice I ever got for life is to live it one day at a time. Try hard to make each thing you do the singular event of the day. VERY hard to do – I know. I love, love, love the post from April 9th – White Roofs. It’s just gorgeous! Hard to believe it’s been that long since you bought Katie’s little painting!

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