Trumpet Man 2

Here I have painted the trumpet man again, this time a little bigger than my last impression of him. I also painted him with a white shirt this time instead of a dark blue one. I changed the shirt to white because I’m interested in the graphic design in this painting and I thought adding a light value would add to the design. I’m also focusing on my edges, trying to lose some of the edges into the background. Painting is as much about what to leave out as it is about what to put into a painting. This painting is 16″x16″ oil on canvas.

3 thoughts on “Trumpet Man 2”

  1. My personal preference is this one. The white shirt seems to give more life to the painting. The first one seemed a bit too muted for me. Perhaps it was the glare. I enjoy your blog, now if I could just get back to my own blogging I will feel better. Honor

  2. I too prefer this one of the two. I think the white shirt makes the whole thing ‘pop’ It would be interesting to play around with a series of this image (even as small paintings on canvas taped to board or gessoed watercolour paper) to play around with the drama of the composition by changing colour elements like you have done here.

  3. Both the trumpet player paintings and the ballerina show your interest in abstract shape, that is considering the whole painting surface and how it is to be divided. These are wonderful paintings Joan, especially because the shapes are then worked with a sensitive use of colour which is so appealing.

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