Trumpet player

Today I painted a man holding a trumpet, this is a photo of my painting in progress with the model in the background. I have a little more work to do on the 8″x10″ painting and then it’ll be finished and I’ll post it. This set up was a bit of a challenge just because his clothing is all so dark and similar in value to the background. I changed things up a bit in my painting, making the background lighter.

Yesterday I completed a 24″x30″ landscape commission that I’ve been working on. I am SO happy to have it done. Commissions are tough and nerve wracking but it is always such a good feeling when they’re finished. Next I need to get started on a portrait commission of a 2 year old boy, it’ll be a companion peice to the portrait I did of his sister a couple of years ago. It’s also quite large at 22″x28″. I have my work cut out for me!

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