I am going to remodel my studio. Actually, up until now it was half my studio and half office but I’ve convinced my husband to relinquish it all to me! Above is a shot as we’re in the process of getting everything out of that room. The room is 10’x17′. We’re going to remove those built in cabinets on the left to enlarge the room as much as possible. I see the doors to the cabinets are already gone!
I recently went to a workshop by Dan Gerhartz and then painted a portrait commission and a figurative. These last couple of months have confirmed for me that painting figures is what I love to do and I realized to pursue this I really need a better space to paint subjects. I am blessed to have a husband that agrees with my plan. After briefly considering building a second story on our garage, remodeling my current studio seemed the best option.
After a couple of days of hard work the studio looks like this. Next the contractor will come and rip out those cabinets. After we get a permit to remodel he’ll remove the ceiling and I’ll have a nice high vaulted ceiling. The wall you see with a window is the north wall. We’ll add a dormer with a large north facing window in the new vaulted ceiling so I should get plenty of natural light to paint my models by.
I’ve moved my easel into the kitchen downstairs. We’ll see how that works out in the meantime. I’m co-chairing a group art show at our church so between that and the remodel, I haven’t had much time to paint. The group art show will be Saturday Oct. 24th and Sunday Oct. 25th, we have 22 artists participating so it should be a great show.
I’ll post more photos of this remodel as it progresses.
Lucky girl. I’m so jealous. Your new studio is going to be wonderful. I can’t wait to see it when it’s done!
What a fabulous undertaking. I admire you (and your husband).
Make sure you have some way of blocking the light from the window (curtains or a shade of some sort) if you decide you don’t want it for one reason or another.
That figure you painted and showed in the last post is exquisite… WOW… Obviously it’s not the studio… it’s the artist …
Happy painting!
Congratulations on your new studio!