Sewing curtains today

This is my beautiful 1954 Singer sewing machine. It belonged to my mom, she made lots of dresses for my sister and me on this machine when we were growing up. I have a newer sewing machine that does all kinds of fancy stitches but it’s in a box in the attic, I like this one.

I started making curtains for the studio yesterday. I had grand plans of making them all in one day, but I’m still working on them today. Surely I’ll get them finished today . . . as soon as I get off this computer and get to work!

5 thoughts on “Sewing curtains today”

  1. Oh my gosh!! I have my mother’s sewing machine, too, and it looks exactly like your mother’s! My mother also did a lot of sewing. I don’t sew anymore, but have in the past and I love this machine. I won a fancy one years ago at the Texas State Fair and just didn’t like it as much as this one. It’s a classic!

  2. Hi Janelle, thank you, we both appreciate beauty in a sewing machine!

    Hi Linda, isn’t that amazing, this is a very sturdy sewing machine. It’s fun to see fans of this old machine. Classic is a good word for it.

  3. Hey Joan, I just had a scroll down your blog to see the make-over and to read about your Mom’s sewing machine and your “cape-envy” (haha). Now I must tell you, I have is looking great! That wee black & white kitty is taking it all in. (a kittykat is a necessity for making the studio just right), I like the new wall color–!

  4. Hi Celeste, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Your comment made me laugh, studio-envy! I agree that the kitty completes the studio for me. I love that kitty!

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