When it Rains, it Pours

Gathering my rain soaked equipment after a downpour.

Well I don’t know what I’m so happy about in that photo! Myrrh and I started to paint at the Houston Arboretum and Nature Center yesterday morning and 30 minutes later the sky opened up and it rained hard for about 20 minutes. There was nothing to do but laugh I guess. The day before the weatherman predicted 90% chance of rain and we got about 10 minutes of light rain the whole day, so I didn’t believe him when he said 50% chance of rain. Learned a little lesson. The lesson is NOT to stay home but rather to have some kind of plastic protection or cover for painting equipment and ourselves. We could have waited out the rain and continued painting if we had been prepared.

We usually paint right next to the car but at the Arboretum you have to park and hike about 15 minutes to get to the pond we wanted to paint.  We tried to find shelter under the trees but it was raining so hard there really was no place to go. Things on the inside of my backpack were soaked through. I would not have had near as much fun had I been out there by myself, it was fun to have a painting buddy on this adventure. We gave up and left after this disastrous start.

Below you can see a short video. I eventually had to wrap up my phone to protect it from the rain so the recording ends rather abruptly. A bunch of women stopped by to see what we were doing, it wasn’t 5 minutes later and it was pouring. I wonder if they made it back to the main building or if they were caught in the rain too.

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