Memorial Day Weekend

My family went down to Galveston Island for a few days. The weather was perfect, sunny skies, moderate temperatures which means 80’s for Texas, and a nice breeze almost all the time. The water was even relatively clear and the beaches were clean. It was a wonderful vacation. I brought along my paints and canvas and painted every day.

The painting above was done one morning. I sat on the beach facing east and painted a row of beach houses illuminated by the morning sun. I sat on the beach under my mid sized umbrella and it was heaven to paint uninteruppted!

Another day I sat on the beach and faced away from the water and painted the dunes and some of the beach houses behind the dunes. This one was done one afternoon. It was such good practice to get outside and paint at different times of the day. Good practice to notice how warm the afternoon light is and how relatively cool the morning sun is. I learned a lot from my few days of painting, more tomorrow . . . .

Thank you to everyone who took the time to recommend an outdoor easel, I really appreciate it. After the last few days of painting and schlepping my art supplies around, I can really see how I need to get a more streamlined system.

6 thoughts on “Memorial Day Weekend”

  1. These paintings are beautiful! I like the softness of colors and your brush strokes. Your palette is quite beautiful and the harmony you created is evident and lovely. Well done!

  2. Thank you Linda, Diane, Melinda, padmaja and Sheila for all these amazing compliments on my little landscapes! Wow! such nice words from everyone.

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