Houston Civic Arts Association Art Show

Here are three paintings I’m entering in the Houston Civic Arts Association Art Show, along with the accompanying paperwork. I took the paintings over to HCAA yesterday, my entries were number 86, 87 and 88! I’m guessing they’ll get about 100 entries and 40 to 50 will be chosen to hang in the Jack Meier Gallery for a group show and auction to benefit HCAA later this month.

I had planned to paint something especially for this show, a landscape, but I waited til the last minute and it didn’t work out! I painted the large still life which I call “Granma’s Tablecloth” a couple of months ago so I knew I wanted to enter that. I decided on the red barn landscape because I think a landscape will have a good shot at getting in. I wanted to enter one of my figuratives so I chose the ballerina, another painting I did about 3 months ago.

Since I’ve been talking about frames I’ll mention that the barn and the ballerina have custom frames, those are the frames I was talking about that cost $75 and $65, respectively. Yes, I could spend a whole lot more on frames and they’re not terribly expensive, but when I frame 50 paintings a year it adds up, especially when I consider that the premade frames are less than half the price. The larger painting, which is 16″x20″, is framed in a premade frame and probably cost me around $50-$55 for that frame.

I’ll find out next week if any of my paintings made it into the show. I would love to have one of my paintings hanging in the Jack Meier Gallery!

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