Today I am posting a photo of my studio. Yesterday I received a set of DVD’s from Amazon about the ‘art world’. The set of 3 DVD’s took me into all sorts of artists’ studios and galleries. I love to see other artists’ studios, especially when they include soaring ceilings and floor to ceiling windows. Most of the artists interviewed in the series lived in Manhattan or Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Taos, Sante Fe, or Upstate New York. The studios were everything from free standing buildings in nature in Upstate New York, to a crowded apartment/studio in Manhattan. I enjoy seeing containers full of brushes, easels, paints, pastels, anything to do with art.
The DVD’s were more inspirational than they were helpful technically. Each artist featured talked a little about their own process of making art, why they make art, how they feel about the art world, etc. A New York art critic even offered his two cents.
For anyone interested, here is the link to: “Art City: DVD Box Set”.
And here is my studio. It doesn’t have soaring ceilings or views of Manhattan, but I love it. I do have a view of our street, great for knowing when the all-important UPS guy delivers art books or materials. I’m so happy to have a space where I can keep all my art stuff. The studio is on the second floor of our house, I like being home when I paint, as opposed to a studio away from our house.
Behind my easel I have a large bookcase (you can barely see it) with some of the props I use for my still lifes. That’s also where I keep my extra paints and other supplies. I had to move my books into their own bookcase in the hallway, they were taking up too much precious space in this small room.
I’ve got a painting of my children on the easel right now. I just had my son pose for me, he stood there in the corner while I worked on the flesh tones in his face. (Just what he wanted to do after his first day back to school.) I’m working from a photograph but there’s nothing like the real thing when it comes to flesh tones. Tomorrow I’ll get my daughter to pose for me.