Three Strawberries

Here is a little painting I did while on Spring Break. And I mean little, it’s 4″x5″ oil on canvas. We were up in the Texas Hill Country and one day the family went to a berry farm and picked two baskets of strawberries. I couldn’t resist painting some of the fresh juicy strawberries, I set my paints and canvas up on the porch overlooking the water and enjoyed an hour of painting. Of course I have big plans to paint more strawberries, but it’s hard to stay focused when there are new things to paint at every turn.

8 thoughts on “Three Strawberries”

  1. Hi Joan!!
    These are GREAT! …. They seem so wet and juicy… just washed and ready to pop in your mouth…
    You probably won’t get any more painted because you’ll eat them all first!! ;o>

  2. The fluidity/smeariness is wonderful here!! I love that. I know what you mean, making big plans, but getting distracted by all the new and wonderful things to explore.

    p.s. thanks for the great workshop postings…I will need to re-read them even more closely.

  3. This is very cool. I like how the strawberries are abstracted. Nice light too! It’s a challenge to paint small, isn’t it?

    Just wanted to let you know that I listed your blog at mine for the Passion for Painting Award. You are doing fantastic work and I always enjoy reading about your process.

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