Emerging Barn

I’m experimenting. My goal right now is to paint a subject but not be so literal about the subject. But it’s important to me that my painting still be “representational” and be a painting of a particular subject. I’m not sure why, but I’m not ready or I don’t want to make the leap to total abstraction. I still wish for the viewer to see something recognizable in my paintings.

This painting is not large, it’s 14″x15″ and it’s only an experiment. I’m going to paint a few this size and then if I get some I like, I’ll paint them on a larger canvas. I just ordered a box of six 30″x30″ canvases so that should keep me busy for a while.

Oh, meanwhile, tomorrow night is the auction where my portrait of the Mayor of Bellaire (along with 10 other portraits by local artists) will be auctioned off. Hopefully. I admited to my husband last night that I was secretly hoping that my portrait would win the Mayor’s Choice Award, which is a ribbon. My husband laughed and said he was sure everyone was hoping to win the Mayor’s Choice Award. I didn’t think of that. I’ll take photos and report back.

2 thoughts on “Emerging Barn”

  1. Good luck at the auction. Your portrait of the mayor is wonderful. Oh, and I loved your last barn painting. I’m glad you’re going in that direction – I’d like to see more.

  2. Love, love, love this painting. There is something universally and instantly familiar about that barn silhouette and you’ve put it in such a Mondrian-ish/Rothko contemporary arrangement?? I love the mix, really neat Joan!!

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