Almost finished! The only thing lacking is the border I’m planning on painting on either side of the figure. This was so much fun to paint. I think I will call it “The Offering”. (My lines are straight for the border, there is some distortion from the camera.)
I always forget how much more work it is to cover a larger canvas, well, large for me. This is 24″x30″, that red shawl is quite large. The chalalenge with covering lots of canvas is that the paint begins to dry and it’s hard to work one area into another. That’s why I did the face first, then I try to work in sections. Even though it’s oil paint, it was dry in 2 days, I guess because it’s so hot here in Houston, maybe that speeds up the drying time. Anyway, getting the canvas covered efficiently and well is just something for me to be aware of and work on as I continue to paint these larger canvases.
Here is a close-up of the face:
Over the weekend I had the opportunity to buy a beautiful gold tone frame for this painting. I never can remember, is it the cart or the horse that comes first? Heh. Normally I wouldn’t buy a frame for a painting that isn’t finished, but I have a great frame dealer who is only in town three times a year and last weekend he was here. I did refrain from buying other frames for all those other unfinished paintings I have in my head.
Tomorrow, my model comes back over and I’m on to the next project.
It’s wonderful so far! It’s like some ancient treasured document/pictorial that never faded… The angel has a peaceful and timeless quality (it was so worth the trouble making the gown!!)I can’t wait to see what the decorative border adds.
This painting is positively inspired, Joan! I love how the model’s sweet face is surrounded by the halo. Congratulations on a magnificent painting!
This painting is exquisite… The face is so beautifully rendered and painted so delicately… I’m just so so impressed.
This is really beautiful Joan, your brushwork is exquisite!!!
I’m so glad to have found your blog!
Beautiful, like an icon painting.
Its really beautiful, and its a good inspiration for me….thanks
A beautiful face. Subtle and natural.
Diane, Janelle and Marian, thank you for your encouraging comments. Such nice compliments, thank you!
Welcome Dana, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. In exchange I’ve gotten to discover your wonderful blog! Thank you for your comment on my brushwork,
Karen, thank you, I’m glad you like it. Interesting observation about this being like an icon painting. Hmm, makes me want to go look at more icons.
Hi Mahesh,
Welcome! What a high compliment you have paid me, to be an inspiration to someone else!!! Thank you! I hope you’ll come back and visit,