Two pears

I’ve been painting small lately. My studio is under construction so I’ve set up my easel in the kitchen. Sometimes the kitchen is like Grand Central Station, but usually I can find a corner, set up a still life and paint for a while. Last night I painted the two pears you see above, it’s an on a 5″x7″ linen panel in oil.

I think anytime I paint anything, it’s good practice. It’s practice at mixing colors, at seeing colors, at seeing shapes, there really is so much to be gained from every painting. I am having a show at our church in January so some of these small paintings will come in handy for the show . . . . especially with our current economy.

I’ve also sent in my application for a big show the first week of March 2010. I was invited to fill out an application for the show by a woman who received some of my notecards as a gift, and happens to be on the selection committee. So, if I’m going to do that show, I think having a number of small paintings available will be a good idea. I find it easier to sell small rather than large paintings at shows. The excitement of making any kind of sale keeps me going when a show goes on for hours and hours and hours!

And now for the studio. We’ve had the structural, electrical and insulation inspections. Today the sheetrockers will come and put up sheetrock. Yay! It’ll start looking like a studio again. I did take some photos of a darling 4 year old for a portrait last weekend. Yes, in that room. I just swept the floor and moved in my lights and a backdrop and it worked. She’s 4 so the construction didn’t even phase her, and her grandmother was very understanding and didn’t mind at all. I’m very excited about this portrait!

4 thoughts on “Two pears”

  1. Yay, you were able to paint! Well done, too.

    It’s great that you sent in the application for the 2010 show. I think you’ll have no trouble at all getting in.

    Good luck!

  2. I just LOVE the brushwork on these little paintings you’re doing.

    Of course the values and all the rest of it are great too, but the brushwork really attracts me! Yeah.. it’ll be a winner at the show!

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