I headed west of Houston with my friend and artist Myrrh Haslam on a beautiful spring day. We drove down backroads near Bellville, Texas and settled on this beautiful scene to paint.

Wildflowers were everywhere! This particular road was so quiet, I think only one car drove past us the whole morning. The temperature was perfect, low 70s. We knew to take advantage of that on a day in Texas when the temperature gauge was sure to climb to 90 later on in the afternoon!
I’m not sure if cows just aren’t very bright, or they don’t notice what’s going on around them, or maybe they just don’t care. But this is not the first time it took an hour or more for a bunch of cows to notice us. And when they did notice us, the first one decided to wander over and check us out, the rest followed. They got as close as they could to us on their side of the barbed wire fence. They were a funny sight, all lined up like that. Maybe they were expecting us to feed them? They were expecting something, or maybe that’s just their look.

It was another fun day of painting with a couple more stops for small studies. The temperature and rain must have been just right this year for bluebonnets because we saw oceans of them. More photos to add to my long list of things to paint!