I am here in Jackson Hole, WY for a good part of the summer, painting the Tetons. Because I’m surrounded by the Tetons that’s the obvious subject to paint, so I’ve grabbed a few small canvases and set out to see what I can do.
To see step by step instructions on how I paint a mountain visit my post on how to paint a mountiain.
The Teton’s (we are at the edge of Grand Teton National Park) are so beautiful, the highest peak reaching close to 14,000 feet. It’s easy to see why my husband and I fell in love with the area. The thing about the mountains though is that they change SO quickly. All the more challenging when I’m out there painting. Some would say fun but I like “challenging” better. This little study was done in late June with summer showers all around. The overcast sky brought out the true colors in the mountains. You’ll see in another painting I’ll post soon how purple the mountains can look in the sunlight. It’s no wonder painting the Tetons can be challenging, I mean fun.
I’ve been thinking about packing my small pochade box and paints in a backpack and bringing them on a hike into the mountains. I haven’t convinced myself yet though, mainly because the view from “down here” in the valley is amazing.
Next week I have a night at the Jackson Rodeo with a friend planned. I’m hoping to get some reference photos at the rodeo.
Meanwhile, the mountains are calling.
Wonderful, Joan! I am in Park City doing the same and just got back from a day painting up the Town lift. The air was cool up there and will send you a picture after I photograph it! xoxo, Nancy
Thank you Nancy! So nice to hear from you. It’s been so much fun to paint the mountains in all kind of conditions. I find I like the stormy and cloudy days best. It sure is nice to be in cool weather. I’m looking forward to seeing your painting! xoxo, Joan