A couple of days ago my son and I were driving around Houston in search of a junkyard. We went to three different places, none of which were true junkyards, but we did drive by this taco stand at a street corner and I asked my son to quickly take a photo of it out of his window. I just liked the bright colors and thought the little self contained taco stand was compact and cute. And there are thousands of them in Houston so I thought it was a good representation of what you see as you drive around Houston.
Now I’ll explain why we were looking for a junkyard. My son is 13 and loves to build things, he likes to watch shows like Junkyard Wars and shows with “bots” so naturally he is inspired to build his own junky things.
This painting is 8″x10″ oil on linen canvas. I am enjoying painting this size because the painting goes fairly quickly, although this one took more time than I thought it would. I had to keep readjusting the shadow side of the taco stand, it’s mostly in shadow so needs to be all dark values. This was tricky for me. But it was good practice and I’ve ordered 30 more of these 8″x10″ panels so I have lots of practice ahead of me.