Hermann Park Crane

This morning I went to Hermann Park to paint, I set up my french easel overlooking the large pond in the park, facing east. This was mid morning with the sun behind the trees, a new vantage point for me. Hermann Park is next to the Medical Center here in Houston so there are always building peeking over the treetops. I love to paint buildings whether they’re skyscrapers or barns. This was the first crane I’ve ever painted and I just noticed it looks a little like a cross.
I would consider this an “urban landscape” and I love ’em! I can remember taking a landscape class and everyone else was painting serene views of hills, fields, and trees, but my paintings always had to have some kind of building in them, usually a barn. I think the structures add a human element to the paintings, like a kind of footprint that humans were there. Anyway, for whatever reason, I love to put buildings in my paintings.
The park is always interesting, there are people milling around, lots and lots of ducks and geese in the water, and this morning a nutria (large rat like animal that lives near water, but cute) was hanging around. It’s really a great place to paint.
This painting is oil on a linen panel and is 8″x8″.

4 thoughts on “Hermann Park Crane”

  1. Thank you! The colors were challenging, but you’re right, had I done this from a photograph I think the whole painting would have been more green. It’s amazing how often we (I) paint what we know instead of what we see.

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