Two-minute poses

This afternoon I headed over to the Art League with my paints and canvas only to discover that the model was going to be doing a series of 2 and 5 minute poses for the first hour. Then some 15 and 30 minute poses. Hmph, I was hoping for one long pose so I could paint the model, beautiful Gloria.

I had thrown in a sketch book and I had a little nubby No. 2 pencil in my purse so I sketched a few of the quick poses. Then I decided to dash over to the art supply store next door and buy a bigger sketch pad and a brownish red pastel stick. So I did that and then did a few of the 5 minute sketches. By now someone had plugged in a little radio and there was some awful music playing. I don’t mind music without words when I paint or draw, but this was some kind of radical music that was mostly talking about terrorists and the government. Too much for me on a Saturday afternoon. I didn’t want to be the complainer in the group so I packed up left.

Oh well. I had high hopes for the Art League being a place I could go and paint a model. I will try again on the other day they have a model: Thursday. Might not be so crowded. Two and Five minute poses are great practice, but I was just prepared for something else.

I have a beautiful dress that will look spectacular on the model we had today so I’m planning on hiring her to come and model at my house in that dress. Then I can listen to any kind of music I want to, or no music at all. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Two-minute poses”

  1. How frustrating! Especially since your were all set to “just do it,” per your previous post…but your right, those two and five minute poses have great value…especially when that’s what you’re prepared for! Your work is beautiful, thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. Joan, The music and/or chatter can make or break one’s mood when painting. I would love to see the dress you’re planning on having the model wear. Your work is exquisite!

  3. Oh, my! I can so completely relate! I’ve been to the open drawing sessions here in Tucson and have had a similar experience! Once, they had on some really, really bad country music (too loud from an old cassette player) as a kind of alternative statement.

    Sometimes the other artists can be annoying too! Reminded me of college, showing up a little late and all the good easels and viewpoints were taken–sigh.

    But, don’t give up. Next time they may play better music and you’ll definitely have all the supplies you want along with you.

    I like your idea of hiring the model. That will be most ideal!

  4. Paula, thank you for your comment and your compliments on my paintings.
    Janelle, yes, usually I can tune out chatter and music but not this time. I think I’ll be able to paint the model in the dress in February. Hopefully.
    Melinda, it did feel a bit like college, probably because it was only $6 to paint the model! A great deal if I can make it work. I’m sure I’ll forget all about yesterday and when I do, I’ll head over there again.

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