Painting from life

This is a recent painting I did from life, it’s 16″x20″ oil on canvas.

My church has asked if they can use one of my paintings for the cover of a small brochure they’ll print for the Alternative Giving Market in December. I am thrilled to be asked and I told them I would paint something special for the brochure. Well, the deadline is October 15th so I had better get busy.

I have the idea to paint a model dressed up as an angel, so I’ve begun my research into what angels wear. By research I mean I’ve pulled out 3 or 4 of my books on angels and I’m flipping through the pages looking at their robes. I’m trying to come up with a color scheme. Today I went to the fabric store and bought a total of 15 yards of fabric and from that I should be able to come up with something an angel would want to wear. Hopefully! I’ve got natural muslim, rose colored cotton, blue, and lilac: all pretty colors. Tomorrow I’ll go to another store and buy some trim and a length of rope for a belt.

After the fun of gathering all the fabric and trim, I’ll have to actually sew the robe for my model! I think I can wing it, I’m pretty good with a sewing machine. Then all I need is a model, which I’m working on. Stay tuned to see how this project turns out!

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