This is 16″x16″ oil on canvas, I finished it yesterday in between all the other stuff I had going on. This young woman turned out a little quirky with some attitude, I’m not sure how that happened but I like it. I was thinking I wanted to paint a figure who exuded confidence. I’m also trying to focus on painting figures with energy just below a calm surface.
Below is a close up of her face. The trick here was knowing when to stop, or rather just STOPPING. I could continue to play with the paint for hours, once the painting gets to this point it’s just pure fun. It’s the earlier stages that can be nerve wracking.

An update on that animal in our attic: it turns out the exterminator only catches rodents, and I think we have a squirrel or possum up there. I talked to a critter control company and they want hundreds of dollars to come catch whatever it is, then find how it got in and seal that up. I read on the
internet where squirrels don’t like the smell of moth balls so I bought some of those. I think we’ll be able to get it to leave. The guy at the critter control company said we’re at the very end of the season for squirrels to be in houses and attics (didn’t know there was a season for that) and in about two weeks it’ll probably leave on it’s own. Then we’ll have screens put over the louvers in the attic, I think that’s how it got in. So, plan B: moth balls.
Joan I am really liking her attitude and I love the color palette, looseness, composition. I can tell you had fun with this one!
A girl with attitude indeed very well excecuted lovely painitng. Wow can you still get hold of moth balls I thought they were things of the past I remember my grandmothers coats smelling of them in church on a sunday nobody minded because theirs did also.
this is a very, very beautiful painting!
Tina, thank you for your kind compliments on this painting! It was a lot of fun and I’m glad that came through in the painting.
Ralph and Last Cup of Coffee, Welcome, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment, I hope you’ll visit again. Thank you for your compliments. Ralph, I had to ask where the moth balls were at the grocery store, and the clerk had to call the manager, but we found them. 🙂
Lovely painting, Joan. I like her attitude! Well done!
I tried to leave comments on Red Ribbon and Don’t Think Just Paint, but couldn’t pull up the comment page. Anyway, both paintings are beautiful. Your paintings are soft and I like that. Beautiful pieces!
Your figures are gorgeous.I was enjoying the top two post and then I came to this one… The composition and feel of this one is wonderful… Sargeant like in fact. Intuition makes the best paintings..they paint themselves.
me encanta la pintura, felicidades