What do I do all day?

Really, what do I do all day? I don’t know where my day goes. I suppose I know where most of it goes but I won’t bore you with all the errands that I do each day in my job as a mother, wife, homemaker and volunteer. Oh, not to mention we have some kind of animal in our attic that sounds like it’s rearranging furniture up there at 3:00 a.m., so I’m waiting for the exterminator to show up (to catch it and release it in the nearby park, not kill it). And, we’re redoing our backyard patio because the bricks have gotten so uneven they are hazardous, so I’m waiting for a brick guy to show up too. I wouldn’t have it any other way, but some days it’s frustrating when I just can’t get into the studio. My conclusion is that I am not very good at time management. That must be it.

As an artist, I paint. I haven’t spent much time on the accompanying activities that I as an art business should be doing. For example, marketing, entering competitions, finding places to display my work, and the biggie, trying to get into a gallery. I always feel like I’ll do those things when I get ten paintings, ten great paintings, together. So I have my little pile of paintings that I think might be good enough to show a gallery, or enter into a contest. But, that pile never gets very high because as I paint new things, paintings from the bottom of the pile get bumped. My pile is now at an all time high, five paintings! (“Pile” may not be the right word.) So I figured it’s time to get them out of my house and into the world. Well, that takes time too! And more than I thought, darn it.

After the past week of trying to negotiate competitions to enter, and local galleries to approach, I have a new found respect for artists. It’s not easy. Yesterday I was talking to a local artist who is in “several” galleries but in the past year she’s lost two of those galleries because they closed. And she hasn’t replaced them. Hmm, that was discouraging since I would love to be in a gallery, but no matter what I’ll keep painting.

Today I posted a painting that is in progress. I had initially planned to make the background dark, but I like it light so I think I will leave it light. I’ll post the finished piece soon. It’s 16″x16″ oil on canvas.

7 thoughts on “What do I do all day?”

  1. “Really, what do I do all day?” I think we have all asked that question of ourselves at one time or another. Especially at your stage in life, you are pulled in a hundred directions. I admire that you do so much! Marketing art, as well as, producing art is not an easy task. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could have an agent? 🙂 Anyway, keep painting – your work is amazing!!

  2. Joan I happen to know for a fact that you are Wonderwoman, always doing for others, brainstorming fabulous new projects and just generally being a most awesome and productive member of your family and your community. I’m shocked you get as much painting done as you do and the quality is always top notch!! I so hear you about making a pile of your “best” and having your idea of best change every five minutes!! Keep on keepin’ on you are doing great!!

  3. Joan, just want to say; this painting has such a good feel about it as it is. Love the pose, placement of the subject and the simplified planes of the face.

  4. I agree with Diane that the quality of your paintings is always top notch. It’s hard getting that painting time in with so much going on with family, friends, community, etc. You still manage to produce amazing work!

  5. Love this one! If there are a decent amount of artists in your area, you might want to consider an artist’s coop… there is one here and it has everything from fabric, jewelry, paintings, stained glass, drawings, basketry, ceramics and wood carvings…. They seem to do fairly well. All the artist take turns working at the counter. And they all participated in the set up.

  6. Joan, I just found your blog and this post really strikes home with me. I feel like so many things “conspire” to keep me from getting into the studio! I love this painting for it’s composition.

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