We had some clouds and even some much needed rain, but on the second evening the skies were clearing and I painted this from the dock in front of my mother in law’s house in the Texas Hill Country. The sky color and cloud patterns were changing by the minute so I was painting as fast as I could, paint was flying. What a mess, paint on my shirt, my face, but as it got dark I just had to stop and then when I brought my painting inside into the light, this is what I had done and I was pretty pleased with myself after all. Not always the case, by the way.
I was happy the painting turned out because while I was painting the rest of the family was watching “Jack Reacher” with Tom Cruise. Tough choice: painting or Tom Cruise movie.

The next day my husband had the brilliant idea to make the short drive over to Inks Lake to the State Park and do some hiking. I decided to bring along my paints and find something to paint. Find something to paint! There was so much to paint, I could have spent a week painting there. Below you see my family going off on a hike as I stay behind.
Painting right along with the path I was ripe for people to come by and talk to me! It does break my concentration to have to stop trying to mix the perfect color and talk to someone, but it’s all part of being out in the big world trying to put down my impressions of the beauty around me. How thankful I am to have the opportunity to be a painter.