Does this painting look like it was a lot of work? It was! But it was a lot of fun.
I tore out a page from a magazine with this pretty blue design on it. It’s actually a painted chest, but here I’m using it for my background wallpaper design. I think I have been saving the photo of the painted chest for 2 or 3 years.
Speaking of more paintings, this afternoon I went to a local farmer’s market and bought some beautiful radishes. I’ve never seen radishes with such pretty colors, I just had to buy them to paint. The vendor who sold them to me didn’t look too happy when I told her I was going to paint them. I think she would rather people buy her produce to eat. Or maybe she thought I was going to take some housepaint and actually apply it to the radishes? She had the same look on her face that I’ve seen when I tell people I’m going to paint my cat.