Figure painting

You can click on the image for a close-up.

This is a painting of my daughter, she is home from college for the holidays. She was a little reluctant about modeling for me but I talked her into it and it was fun after all. I mean it was fun for her, I knew it would be fun for me! What isn’t fun is when I have to get her to sit for “just another 5 minutes” again and again because I see some little thing I need to fix. Oh well. She will go back to college next weekend and be spared any more modeling sessions. But I have talked her into modeling for me one more time before she heads back. This is a 10″x14″ oil on linen canvas.

This was so much fun! I miss painting people from life, I haven’t done it in about 2 months because of the studio remodel and then the holidays, but now I’m ready to line up some models to come over and pose.

I have a show at our church this month, 20 paintings are hanging, 17 of them are for sale. I have sold one, a 10″x10″ painting of sunflowers and someone called this morning inquiring about commissioning me to paint her daughter. So I’m excited about that. We will see with this economy how many paintings sell.

8 thoughts on “Figure painting”

  1. I really like this portrait a lot. I think you’ve captured a thoughtful and beautiful young woman with great skill.

    Hope you’ll have more opportunities in the future to work from life. And, I hope the commission is just the beginning!

  2. I’m forever trying to get my husband to sit for me…with no luck! So lucky you. 🙂
    It is a lovely piece, and congrats on the sale! yay!

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