What do you do when the model doesn’t show up?

What do you do when you have a group of painters and the model doesn’t show up? Put a couple of ugly stuffed animals in her place and practice putting paint on a canvas. Okay, the little bear, or whatever it is with the hat on the left isn’t so bad, but the other one!

It was good practice to spend a couple of hours painting these little stuffed creatures, but I’m not motivated to spend any time finishing this painting. And . . . the model I had hoped would come over on Friday can’t come. I have big plans, you might even call it a New Year’s Resolution, to paint a person from life twice a week. I am not off to a good start. I obviously need to work on increasing my list of models.

Some of my art friends had the idea to hire a model and have her (or him) pose in a cafe. With the manager’s permission of course. That would be a lot of fun and very challenging. I will work on that and try to make that happen. We’ll see.

6 thoughts on “What do you do when the model doesn’t show up?”

  1. Actually this is really really clever and cute!!
    I know artists who made their living painting toys and stuffed animals…
    AND you’re getting the same practice…
    Good idea about the cafe model… I look forward to seeing how that goes.
    Also… the figure painting in the last post is wonderful!

  2. Hi Joan,

    What a drag about the model not showing up but this painting caught my eye and sometimes we gotta run with what happens.

    I’m sorry my Blog comment window keeps rejecting your entry. It has done that to others and even to friends of mine who have wondered why I have blacklisted them. I don’t have the answer. But I did get the anonymous post…….

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