A Holy Place to be

I am soooo happy to have this painting done! It is a painting of our church, St. John the Divine Epsicopal Church, in Houston, Texas, which I’ll donate to the church’s Silent Auction next month. I’ve had this painting in my head for months and I finally got around to painting it. I’ll also make some notecards of this image, I’ll donate some packages of notecards for the auction and they’ll also be for sale in the church bookstore, after the auction.

The church faces North. Problem. I took so many photos of the church, hoping to get a little sunlight on the face of it. It turns out during the longest days of summer, there is sun on the face of the church early in the morning and at sunset. I took the sunset photos and my sweet husband went over one day before work and took some photos just after the sun came up. Those were the best. The silent auction is September 12, I hope this painting gets a good response.

8 thoughts on “A Holy Place to be”

  1. Marian, thank you for your comment. I’m not used to choosing something in mostly shadow to paint so I think that shadow pattern added interest. I’m blessed to have this church in my life!

  2. Joan,
    Beautiful painting capturing the essence of the church. I love it, so glad to find you!

    Be sure to enter my latest Giveaway!

    Art by Karena

  3. You’ve done a really nice job of capturing your church. It has a lovely sense of peace and welcome.

    You just know someone is going to snap it up in the auction.

    Kudos to your husband for photographing it with the morning light!

  4. Hi Melinda, what a nice compliment since a church wants to be peaceful and welcoming. The church had my painting out for people to preview this last Sunday, which was very flattering. The auction isn’t for a month.
    Hi Becky, thank you for visiting my blog and for the nice compliments.

  5. So nice! Don’t you wish there was some sort of software that would just take a photo and add those shadows and light in the right places for those reference photos we get that are taken on days with no sunshine or not facing the ‘right’ way to get the shadows and light we as painters want? Guess we just have to keep waiting for the just right time ourselves! Beautiful painting!

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